Monday, October 22, 2007

VIP Tour of the NASA Johnson Space Center

•Members of the NASA Sports and Exploration educational development team met at the NASA Johnson Space Center on August 10, 2007 for a VIP tour of the center.
•The educators from the Houston Independent School District (ISD) and Goose Creek Consolidated ISD were given the opportunity to visit the Moon and Mars Yards, Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory, and Mission Control rooms.
•The STS-118 space shuttle Endeavour was docking to the International Space Station as the educators were in the mission control rooms, making the tour a rare and unique experience.
•A tour of building 9 with space station and space shuttle mock up trainers was given by a representative of each program.
•The tour continued on to Rocket Park where the educators were given an in depth tour of the Saturn V Rocket and the Constellation program designing the new Crew Exploration Vehicle.
•Educators in the program will take the information acquired on the tours and apply the physical science concepts to the development of the educational materials for elementary students.

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